星期五, 10月 21, 2011

FW: 新的注意事項

Thank you forthe message. I am happy to get your mail address. Is this your mobile no. 0968491292?  Wed.  I tried to call you, but it didn't work . I went out alone for taking a fresh break.   Really I came back last night. I feel much better for leaving all my  family members behind me for  few moments. What are you doing?  Are you excited  for going to Puna now?  I am glad finally you are going to Puna with me. I go back Kao. on 24 or 25 th.
Take   care               Mudita


From: jivanmudita@hotmail.com
To: htschow@gmail.com
Subject: 新的注意事項
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2011 08:31:25 +0000

Dear Helen,

昨日已訂票了. 日期暫訂11/16 (不確定)去印度 , 1/12(確定)回台灣. 由高雄出發, 國泰航空(較新航便宜), 但先接港龍 至香港.

現金27800, 刷卡 28300NT. 去時的正確日期必須等你回台先辦簽證, 後開票才能得知. 即使你以台灣護照再辦印簽, 也得看簽証官(若他查出你才出印度不滿60天)是否願意(此旅行社專辦簽證的她也不能百分百之確定). 為了這些事及選航空公司, 旅行社, 比價, 尤其你回高雄的日期, 目前這是我最好的選擇了.

明日, 我和老公到台北陪孫子. 約12天, 最快10月24日回高雄. 那時, 你已離溫哥華, 開始旅遊了. 我會隨時和旅行社連絡, 但妳結束旅行後, 11月6日到台北後, 請你得於次日7號快回到高雄來. 因為旅行社等你的護照辦簽證. 我們共4人, 才能快速開票, 來確訂出發的確定日期. 我也才能繼續和印度那邊接洽, 如何接機及當晚的住處. 或許先住2天, 直至幫大家找到自己合適的住處.


1. 2個月的靜心門票,住,機票約9萬. 含自己吃及零用等需準備約10至12萬(因人而異). 最好攜帶美金或加 幣(我全用美金現鈔)去到社區,自己的錢需存於社區內的銀行,以防被搶等.

2.帶幾件薄長袖及一件厚夾克或外套. 那時的天氣早晚涼涼的. 有點像溫哥華的夏天或台灣的秋天.
3.若有白色及"紅色"的長褲或衛生褲, 帶一二件. 坐於地上或做活動時較保暖. 白襪子一兩雙.
4.白天社區做課, 均穿紅長袍. 晚上則是長白袍. 社區有賣, 到時再買. 其餘時間, 均穿自己的便服. 不要帶華麗衣服,用不上.
5.帶把洋傘當雨具. 需要時也可帶帽子及手電筒一支.
6.一雙便鞋或布鞋, 方便旅遊,外出用. 但做課時, 全天候以不怕水的拖鞋最佳,否則去再買.
7.帶自己需要的藥, 否則社區有醫生, 旁邊是大醫院.
8.不可以在路邊攤亂吃. 我會告訴妳們在社區或外面餐廳或自己煮食.
9.至於其它在印度之事, 該是領隊的我會再告知你(等你回台時).
10.  Check-in 行李一個 23 Kg. 隨身行李一個 7 Kg.
11. 需要一個隨身且可背的小袋子裝當日的門票及卡片和零用錢~~回台灣菜市場買就可.
12. 接港龍及國泰飛機~~~~~屬於亞洲萬里通 ( Asia Mileliage) 可累積里程數.


1. 護照正本.
2. 6個月內"白底彩照"2吋一張.(你到戶政事務所照, 較方便,100元)
3. 聯絡住址:台灣的~~
4. 聯絡電話:台灣的~~
5. 身分證:影本(?)~~你是個案, 我會再問旅行社.~~~~結果: 拿舊身份証及妳堂哥的戶口名簿(方便未來妳的孩子的聯絡)就可馬上辦好. 順便帶一個印章, 以防必要之須.

在你出發前, 需和我電話聯絡. 我打或你打,都可. 台北我兒子電話:(02)2240-9608
P.S> Helen, 妳可以臨陣偷逃, 不去. 我OK! 我仍帶他門去, 但請妳不要再逃避吧! 或許: 老天將給妳 "要的答案".


Take care Mudita

星期三, 8月 12, 2009

A White Candy &A Wooden Carving

What a sexy mouth on a black wooden body!  It should be a lady.  She is  as shy as me and loves hidding herself behind the crowd.  That's why she puts on the black cloth with black paint on her whole body.
I tried to stop her before showing up here.  She was angry and throw back my white dress to my face.  Then, we fought against together.  Because I couldn't allow her to damage my elegant and beautiful white cloth that was my costume while I was acting the Snow White play.
I am here with my broken heart.  Suddenly, this small white candy some one gave me heals my wound with a great bright taste as peppermint.
Now, my heart is peaceful and I am happy to back normal again. And she becomes a wooden carving.

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A Hunger

This is not my kind of hanger.  I don't like this metal kind.  I feel it's cold to me.
I love the kind coated with the plastic material, especially blue is my color.  It can be kept longer and not get rust easily.  If not, it might leave rust spots on my beautiful clothes.
I like the  shape of hanger very much.  It looks like a goose to carry my clothes gracefully.  Sometimes it is swaying with my clothes in the wind.  It likes a flag flying in the sky.  When many hangers on different colorful clothes through a rope are swaying together, it looks like the beautiful flags dancing in a  nature rhythem,  I am always breathtaken by this scene.

Little by little, I could smell my feet are off the ground with all flags.  Surprisingly, I am flying.  I also wish all hangers could carry me and lift me up in the sky forever.

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星期二, 8月 11, 2009

Running into a Forest

On the way home, suddenly I stop transfering the next bus, but walking into the nearby forest which I have never been.  It seems something really attracts my being.
Surprisingly, many kinds of creature are running there from my sight.  A tiny squirrel , next to her mom, is watching me as a stranger stepping into her territory.  She  almost forgot eating the nut mom gave her.  Unexpectedly, her brother jumps in and grabs her nut in hands.  So now, they are chasing each other and running away from me.
I don't see owls because they don't like to show up in the day time.  While I keep moving on, there are many species of birds flying around my head.  Some are jumping, circling and some are singing, dancing because party gets started in  the forest.
Wolves, elephants and tigers are invited by the host of all birds. So is dinasaur.  Turtle and wolf stop the racing on the way with their curiousty.  They are watching how the dinosaur keeps dancing gracefully.  Not only is he climbing, but also is he rolling on the grass with one snake.  Finally, turtle and wolf  are pleased to join the party as guests.  So is snake.
The music mixed of laughters and singing are coming from a distance.  All lady fingers dancing in the front of the parade, followed by spinichs, broccolis and bananas under the palm trees.  Elephants are juggling figs, bananas and pears.  The petals of many colourful roses are coming from the sky in various fragrances.
I step on the beautiful petals of roses happily and hit the road  on my way home.

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A smell

What a smell!  Is like a smell of medicine?  Oh!  I was hurry to get seated because I was late because of ............... Now , I am coming back.  Really, it's a kind of syrup for coughing.  Surely, it is.
While I was small and got cold, usually I had been coughing all the time and took a long period to be recovered.  Mom took me to see many doctors, but they always failed.  They all said :" Your coughing is  as naughty as you, Mudita.  "   I even didn't like to take medicine from all doctors because of a bitter taste and I throw them  away sometimes.  Seriously, that was  a secret for mom.
Mom was curious about what happened  to my health and worried about what to do.  Then, I always suggested that only one medicine was good to me.  "What is it? " mom asked.  " The smell is like coco-cola, but it's my favorite coughing syrup.  " I replied.
Mom was wondering, but went get for me.  Then I attached it and drank it happily.  Finally, my coughing was gone. You believe it or not!

Windows Live 提供您整理、編輯與 分享相片的服務。

星期三, 7月 15, 2009

Miss you!

The sound of " I love you" from one music box hits my heart deeply.  " Where are you and how are you ?" are jumping out of my mouth.  Could you feel?
Recently, here is a little bit chilly.  The weather makes me feel so lonely because you are not with me and such far away from me.  I haven't seen you for two month more.  I need your presence to hug me and hold my hands, even if just sitting together with silence.
Summer break is coming.  There are so many activities and Festivals coming here.  I wish we could get together to join the Jazz Festival for the beautiful music like last year we did.
I need your whispering " I love you " in my ear in person.  Please come back soon for me instead  of working too hard because I am waiting for you back and I love.

用部落格分享照片、影音、趣味小工具和最愛清單,盡情秀出你自己 — Windows Live Spaces

星期一, 4月 07, 2008


除感謝外,相信『土、希』的動人旅遊故事及照片能很快地整理出來及po在網站上。嘿嘿! 真得意! 已有兩篇圖文上場囉!

星期五, 4月 04, 2008


各自參加社區靜心活動,偶爾相遇及聊心事分享。在靈修路上尚是菜鳥的我,才知美女早已上過早期被引進台灣的許多心靈成長課程,更是『知見』的老學員。在兩人分享中,美女常不吝嗇地秀出她熟悉的法寶問診「滿臉掛著問號」的我。不知碰到哪個按鈕,Mudita 總是以『啼笑皆非』收場。
回歸本性『調皮搗蛋』的我,最愛玩的遊戲就是兩人輪流塗鴉和說故事。始料未及的是上彩時的自由不拘,嘴巴又可呱啦呱啦的和好友互相傾訴扶持。兩人共同的塗鴉創作,更是出乎預料的美。『自我認識』才開始的我,求救似地問著好友「我也可以自己畫嗎?」 一句「當然OK」的答案並未即時奏效。

星期四, 7月 13, 2006


感謝 歷經數十小時的面壁,在彩色,塗鴉,剪貼,取捨及攝影記錄下, Mudita的個人壁畫終於完工. 面對著執著及取捨,100張圖片終究忍痛割捨. 捧著僅存的45張圖片,來回奔波於電腦及彩印公司間. 懊惱及批判自己的專業知識不夠及無助下,心情也跟著高低起伏,有著心喜若狂和氣餒交織而成的酸甜苦辣滋味. 此刻,Mudita壁畫的自作藝術書,在巧思及創意下也完成了. 感謝社大及金玉老師,給與Mudita機會來經驗這一切的心情故事. 2006,1st. July Mudita


Try-Try-Try I feel so excited because I don't really know what's going on for the next. First, checking the website www.toastmasters.org.tw from my good friend was my desire for finding a right place or group for my English conversation (maybe). I am not really good at doing computer. I couldn't look for what I really needed. Then , Blog is appearing in front of my heart. What to do with this stuff which somebody already mentioned to me before? I was so hestating to apply at this moment. Could I do it or should I do this right now by myself? And for what? I didn't want to waste my time and energy for this stupid program. I have been so tired to cook , wash, teaching and enjoyable for meditating, painting, dancing, drumming and relaxation. Surely, I even stopped writting my spiriture articles on the website for a long time. Why should I give myself a lot of burden for this? Now, I feel I am so lazy to live in this world, but I have never had this type of life before. I try not to be responsible for anything, such as housework, parenting, merriageship and friendship. I am just live in this world freely and truely. Nowhere to escape from my fear, my pain from the past, my desire for my future art display, my excitement at a very real moment. Sometimes, I felt I would like to disappear in this reality world to my spiriture world. Wher it is my right place for hidding with my heart. I have been seeking for 10 years non-stop.Sometimes, I felt I got it; some moment I felt I was totally lost. Finally, I got back my home with my heart. All journey is full of suprise, excitement, adventure and hard-task. No wonder, it's worth of my spiriture growth. It's a gift from God. I feel it's time for me to go to Igyp and Grece for bellydancing , and Turkey for the Sufi-whirling dancing. My purpose is not for learning dancing , but for the answer of those spiriture connections. Best wishes Mudita ( from Taiwan ) 2006, 12th. July