星期三, 8月 12, 2009

A White Candy &A Wooden Carving

What a sexy mouth on a black wooden body!  It should be a lady.  She is  as shy as me and loves hidding herself behind the crowd.  That's why she puts on the black cloth with black paint on her whole body.
I tried to stop her before showing up here.  She was angry and throw back my white dress to my face.  Then, we fought against together.  Because I couldn't allow her to damage my elegant and beautiful white cloth that was my costume while I was acting the Snow White play.
I am here with my broken heart.  Suddenly, this small white candy some one gave me heals my wound with a great bright taste as peppermint.
Now, my heart is peaceful and I am happy to back normal again. And she becomes a wooden carving.

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A Hunger

This is not my kind of hanger.  I don't like this metal kind.  I feel it's cold to me.
I love the kind coated with the plastic material, especially blue is my color.  It can be kept longer and not get rust easily.  If not, it might leave rust spots on my beautiful clothes.
I like the  shape of hanger very much.  It looks like a goose to carry my clothes gracefully.  Sometimes it is swaying with my clothes in the wind.  It likes a flag flying in the sky.  When many hangers on different colorful clothes through a rope are swaying together, it looks like the beautiful flags dancing in a  nature rhythem,  I am always breathtaken by this scene.

Little by little, I could smell my feet are off the ground with all flags.  Surprisingly, I am flying.  I also wish all hangers could carry me and lift me up in the sky forever.

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星期二, 8月 11, 2009

Running into a Forest

On the way home, suddenly I stop transfering the next bus, but walking into the nearby forest which I have never been.  It seems something really attracts my being.
Surprisingly, many kinds of creature are running there from my sight.  A tiny squirrel , next to her mom, is watching me as a stranger stepping into her territory.  She  almost forgot eating the nut mom gave her.  Unexpectedly, her brother jumps in and grabs her nut in hands.  So now, they are chasing each other and running away from me.
I don't see owls because they don't like to show up in the day time.  While I keep moving on, there are many species of birds flying around my head.  Some are jumping, circling and some are singing, dancing because party gets started in  the forest.
Wolves, elephants and tigers are invited by the host of all birds. So is dinasaur.  Turtle and wolf stop the racing on the way with their curiousty.  They are watching how the dinosaur keeps dancing gracefully.  Not only is he climbing, but also is he rolling on the grass with one snake.  Finally, turtle and wolf  are pleased to join the party as guests.  So is snake.
The music mixed of laughters and singing are coming from a distance.  All lady fingers dancing in the front of the parade, followed by spinichs, broccolis and bananas under the palm trees.  Elephants are juggling figs, bananas and pears.  The petals of many colourful roses are coming from the sky in various fragrances.
I step on the beautiful petals of roses happily and hit the road  on my way home.

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A smell

What a smell!  Is like a smell of medicine?  Oh!  I was hurry to get seated because I was late because of ............... Now , I am coming back.  Really, it's a kind of syrup for coughing.  Surely, it is.
While I was small and got cold, usually I had been coughing all the time and took a long period to be recovered.  Mom took me to see many doctors, but they always failed.  They all said :" Your coughing is  as naughty as you, Mudita.  "   I even didn't like to take medicine from all doctors because of a bitter taste and I throw them  away sometimes.  Seriously, that was  a secret for mom.
Mom was curious about what happened  to my health and worried about what to do.  Then, I always suggested that only one medicine was good to me.  "What is it? " mom asked.  " The smell is like coco-cola, but it's my favorite coughing syrup.  " I replied.
Mom was wondering, but went get for me.  Then I attached it and drank it happily.  Finally, my coughing was gone. You believe it or not!

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