星期三, 8月 12, 2009

A White Candy &A Wooden Carving

What a sexy mouth on a black wooden body!  It should be a lady.  She is  as shy as me and loves hidding herself behind the crowd.  That's why she puts on the black cloth with black paint on her whole body.
I tried to stop her before showing up here.  She was angry and throw back my white dress to my face.  Then, we fought against together.  Because I couldn't allow her to damage my elegant and beautiful white cloth that was my costume while I was acting the Snow White play.
I am here with my broken heart.  Suddenly, this small white candy some one gave me heals my wound with a great bright taste as peppermint.
Now, my heart is peaceful and I am happy to back normal again. And she becomes a wooden carving.

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